Over a week ago, I guess a lot of die-hard fans can breathe a sigh of relief that Disney has finally moving forward with a sequel to 2010's TRON: LEGACY by enlisting Jesse Wigutow to pen the latest draft of the script. Not only that, TRON: LEGACY lead star Garrett Hedlund also confirmed to reprise his role as well. Now director Joseph Kosinski himself has something to say about what we can expect in TRON: LEGACY sequel.
According to Kosinski, he has found an idea that makes the third installment of TRON franchise worth doing for:
Well the only reason to go back, for me and I think for anyone involved would be if we could do something truly spectacular. We’ve been talking about it for a couple years and there’s always been this idea, a big idea, in the back of my head that we’ve been talking about. The idea itself, the notion of what the next Tron could be, is exciting enough that it would be worth going back to do it. Obviously we hinted some things at the end of Legacy, it’s kind of there for people to see what that potential is. So we just want to make sure that we have a script that delivers on that promise on an epic scale.
And here's the idea that springs from Kosinski's mind:
I’ve said it would have to be our Empire Strikes Back for me to come back and for me to pull the whole team back together. I think we do have that idea. We do have the idea that feels big and really blows the doors off this franchise. It’s hinted at promises of something for two movies now, for thirty years, so it’s time to deliver on that. But the script’s got to be at a level that makes it worth going back for, because it’s a lot of work to make a movie like this and it’s a multi-year project. So we’ve got our writer Jesse Wigutow on it right now writing, and fingers crossed if it all comes together, as we hope it will, there could be another Tron in the next few years, and it’s going to be awesome.
As for how the story would turn out, Kosinski is of course, mum about the details but he did reveal the time frame between TRON: LEGACY and the third movie:
I think time has passed. It feels like we’re kind of real-time in step. o however much time has passed since Legacy came out would also have transpired in the real world. So it will still be contemporary. So let’s say if the Tron sequel comes out in 2015, then four or five years have passed since the last movie.
Apart from that, Kosinski also revealed that he would love to bring in some new designs to the third movie rather than recycling the same material from TRON: LEGACY.
I don’t want to say too much about it but the goal would not be to simply re-use. We’re not going to re-use the assets from Legacy, that’s no fun. If we’re going to do to it we’re going to reinvent all over again and it’s going to be a whole new generation for reasons that are very story-driven. That’s all I can say.
For those who have seen TRON: LEGACY, I'm sure a lot of you would agree with me that among the highlights in the movie was Daft Punk's memorable electronica score. Kosinski, is of course, would love to see the highly-acclaimed French duo to come back for the third movie:
When it comes to building the team up for soundtrack they would absolutely be my first call. As to whether or not they would do it, it depends on what they’re doing at the time. They are very methodical in how they pick their next project, and they would only do it if they felt that they could dedicate themselves a hundred percent to that. I know they have another album coming out, I’m sure that’s going to be their next big project, which I assume is going to be followed by a massive tour. So, you know, hopefully if they’ve got the time and the creative willingness to dive back in.
Judging by Kosinski's enthusiasm of doing TRON: LEGACY sequel in the way of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, the very idea itself is certainly very interesting to look forward to.
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